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Cosmicx Healing Art

COSMICX HEALING ART is a blend of both healing and art. Here we believe that everything in this universe comes from one Divine Source. Cosmic as the name means extra-terrestrial vastness concerned with abstract metaphysical and spiritual matters, we offer the same metaphysical experiences through healing sessions, workshops and spiritual, healing, meditative art. Life is not just what we see or believe is, it is much more. All that of you which is present here in this earth reality, the same (better) you is also present in other dimensions. Each one you is a multidimensional being. The whole purpose of this life is to understand your true nature of who you are and aligning yourself to that truth. Once you align yourself to your greatest potential (Higher Self) you become whole and complete. And we would like to assist you in your wholeness and completion. We focus on your growth and empowerment by making you spiritually aware human. Cosmicx focuses on building a base of transformation for every individual who is willing and ready for the shift. The purpose of mankind is to grow and expand, but as we move in this human life we somewhere forget our Soul purpose, our path, our growth learning’s & lessons and we keep moving in the same cycle of pain, grief, betrayals, breakups, diseases, relationship issues, financial issues and much more.


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